Cristie Kerr

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The most decorated female golfer in game history

‘I am honored to be synonymous with a brand that symbolizes art, expertise and excellence for me.

Cristie Kerr is a real warrior, a female athlete, and someone who is not afraid to stand up and fight for those in need. She is one of the most decorated female golfers ever. She has won 20 major events. She won the U.S. Women’s Open in South Pines, North Carolina in 2007, and has won at least Top ten in 180 items. When Richard Mille (Richard Mille) invited her to join the family, she felt very happy.

Since 2014, Cristie has worn the titanium model RM 007 on courts all over the world, and has become famous in terms of elegance and reliability.

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Cristie Kerr has participated in the competition since the age of 9. In a high school golf team game for high school students (Boys), she quickly climbed to the top of the Florida player rankings. Her amateur career is one of the most decorated in gaming history. She played in the 1996 Curtis Cup and won the honor of being a low amateur at the 1996 US Women’s Open. Since then, she has decided to change careers and get a motivation year a year later.

To date, she has won 20 LPGA championships, including two major championships (2007 U.S. Women’s Open and 2010 LPGA), 9 times in the Solheim Cup and 4 times Wendy’s triathlon championship. . No wonder she is today the highest paid American female golfer in history.

Christie wants to share this success with others. She established the Bird Breast Cancer Foundation, which is actively involved in the fight against breast cancer. Her association brings together several ladies and men’s golf stars and other well-known celebrities, and has earned more than $3 million in revenue in its first ten years. buy watches online